Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel ...

It's nearly over. In eight days my MOTH will be home !!!

I'm still feeling more than a little despondent though. The MOTH says I worry too much.

We are planning on starting our own business when he finally makes it home, which he will then go on to work in full time while I carry on working somewhere else.

But the bank are being awfully annoying about wanting us to prove we can do a pesky little thing like pay back a business loan. While I am working at the moment, apparently a two month temp contract doesn't count as a "real" job in the world of banking red tape. Why can't they see that if they lend us the money then the MOTH will be working ... and if they don't, he won't be ?!?!?

He's also been offered the opportunity of other work in his chosen field for a few months ... several hours drive from here. At least we would see him on weekends ...

But we didn't move home to Whangarei so he could live in a different city. And the closer it gets to him coming home, and the longer I don't have a real job, the more likely it seems that his homecoming is going to be a temporary reprieve for us all at best.

And it's really really hard not to feel like a failure when no one wants to employ you ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It's not a REAL mouse you know ...

Just in case any of you are interested ...

It's extremely difficult to type and navigate your way around a computer with a small tiger-striped kitten sitting on the desk trying to eat the mouse cord.

Still, at least he isn't hiding under the couch, so I suppose we're making progress ...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Not for the faint hearted ...

The MOTH obviously has a lot of time on his hands down there in Dunedin. Last night he told me he'd watched every video on the Top YouTube Videos website.

Then he told me that even if I did nothing else before I went to bed, I had to scroll down and watch Clip 1 on the Best Movies of All Time.

After watching it five times, I think he may be right. I think it should be compulsory viewing for everyone. I've sent the link to everyone I can think of.

It made me cry. Not much does that.

Take a box of tissues when you go visit. But please make sure you go.

Friday, March 16, 2007

20 days ...

... and counting :)

I can seeeeeee you ...

I'm not a morning person at the best of times. This morning less so than usual. Due to not sleeping well I crawl out of bed and stagger to the bathroom to turn the shower on. I'm interrupted by S screaming from the hallway. "Mum, mum, there's a huge black spider !!!!"

So I go out ... and indeed, there is a, maybe not huge, but definitely sizeable, black spider crawling up the wall. We take a closer look ... and it's a white tail. Very proud of myself I think "Gosh, so that's what they look like" ... we grab the vacuum cleaner and dispose of the nasty thing.

I head back to the bathroom and jump in the shower. I'm halfway through shampooing my hair and there are more screams from the hall ... both K and S this time.

It came back !!!

Fast forward 30 seconds ... I'm standing in the hall, wrapped in a towel with shampoo in my eyes. S is screaming hysterically at the spider running across the carpet. K is convinced it's going to leap up and attack him and he's going to lose a leg to flesh eating necrosis.

And then Jake decides to get in on the action and tries to eat it. Which starts S screaming again.

K calms down enough to fetch a can of fly spray and we coat the damned thing in it. It's absolutely dripping with bug spray ... and still wandering around my hallway carpet.

I'm totally fed up by now : I'm cold, semi-naked, I have shampoo in my eyes and I haven't had a cup of coffee yet, so we tip a glass upside down over it and I go and get back in the shower.

It's totally dumb, and the rational part of my brain knows it, but I'm sitting here and I can feel the back of my neck crawl and I feel like there are little spider eyes just watching me.

The spider-zapper-bug-killer-man is coming on Monday afternoon.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I've done it again !!!

M, our last cat, gave new meaning to the words "contempt" and "loathing" every time he looked at me.

I have somehow managed to adopt a kitten who has gone one better. I don't get the baleful glare whenever I manage to catch Jake's eye. He sees me coming ... and runs away.

He's quite content to oblige when either of the rugrats want a cuddle. But they're in bed now.

He's under the couch ...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

By the way ...

Meet Jake.
I know he's not a puppy, but he's drop dead gorgeous.

We'll adopt a puppy when the MOTH comes home.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Celebrate good times ... come on !!!

Took the rugrats out for breakfast to fulfill a promise I made to them that we would go out for a meal to celebrate as soon as I got a job.

We were going to do dinner last night, but decided that Eggs Benedict, lattes and OJ sitting at the waterfront was a much more attractive option. Reminded me of all the reasons why we moved home to Whangarei.

I put on my favourite pair of black pants yesterday thinking that I might wear them to my interview. When I first bought them they sat around my waist, then they progressed to hipsters, and when I tried them on yesterday, they ended up in a puddle on the floor. Time for a wardrobe update !!!

I actually had great difficulty buying clothes this morning. For the first time in my life I was unable to find anything small enough to fit me. All the clothes I liked came in either a size 6, or a 12, 14, 16 etc. Nothing in an 8 or a 10 !!!

You know the phrase "she'd look good in a sack" ? Well, for years I have used that to describe gorgeous women I know. This morning, one of the random women standing in a changing room used it to describe me !!!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

And to cap off a brilliant day ...

I just booked the MOTH's flight home.

This time in exactly 27 days I will be able to kiss him goodnight !!!

Employed again !!!

Well, sorta.

I've landed a two month temporary contract doing Payroll Administration. It's not something I've ever done before nor, to be honest, something I ever felt like trying to do.

But for now it's another skill I can add to my CV, and I can fake it for two months while I try and find a"real" job.

Oh yeah ... and it pays well too !!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Exciting news !!!!

There's a new post on Monster Boy's blog !!

(I found the bit of paper with his login and password on it)

Go ... go read ... go on ...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ewwwww ...

K has been away at camp for the last three days.

Doing laundry this morning, I note that he took me literally when I said "just throw it all in the basket and I'll wash the lot".

In the laundry pile were :-
- 3x pairs clean socks
- 3x pairs clean underpants
- 2x clean Tshirts
- 2x clean (and still folded) towels
- 1x clean and dry facecloth

I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure his toothbrush hasn't been used since he left.

No wonder he had such a great time !!!