Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just asking ...

What sort of Italian restaurant doesn't serve canneloni, has run out of lasagne, and can't make me fettucine carbonara because the bacon supplier is due tomorrow ?

The sort I won't be going back to ....

Monday, August 27, 2007

Six reasons I'm busy elsewhere ...

1. BMX season has started again
2. We've been in business two months and our first GST return is due
3. I have no idea how to complete a GST return
4. Housework
5. After our student left we converted the "spare room" into a workspace for me ... I have room to spread out my beading, scrapbooking, painting, sewing and all my other craft stuff ... and the space is mine, all mine !!!!
6. Family (it is so good being back so close to relatives again !!!)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

This is a huge deal for me ...

Yesterday I realised I am totally over my acrylic nails. They look great for a week, and then look like crap for two weeks until I can afford to go and have them done again.

I am perfectly capable of filing and painting my own, natural, non-acrylic nails. And I'd rather spend the $45 every three weeks on having a sports massage.

So I spent a fair portion of the weekend taking my nails off, and have cancelled my next two appointments.

If I could remember what my original hair colour was, I might go back to that natural too !!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Tears and laughter ...

There were many tears in our household over the course of this past weekend, for a number of reasons.

The first lot came from S, who refused to listen when we told her repeatedly that running around the store we were in was a really bad idea. After she slipped and part of a metal clothes rack went completely through her earlobe and into the side of her neck, she suddenly realised the wisdom of walking. You'd never think a teeny little earlobe would produce that much blood !!!

The second cause of tears was due to the fact we had to say goodbye to our exchange student on Sunday morning. We were all very brave while we were actually seeing him off to the bus, but when we arrived home K disappeared and was found shortly thereafter lying on our student's unmade bed (the only time he didn't make his bed the whole time he was with us !!) crying. Of course that was enough to start S off as well, and even now, 36 hours later, K is prone to start looking weepy with very little provocation.

On the way to school this morning K was heard to say "I wish we didn't have to give him back". I know what he means, but it's funny all the same.

And after school, while wondering whereabouts the students' plane would be (they flew out of Auckland this morning) ...
S : They might be nearly home by now ...
K : Well it took them twelve hours to get here. But it'll take them longer to get home, because it's all uphill

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Dinner time conversation ...

K : "Did you know that they haven't caught many giant octopuses before ?"

Me : "Isn't the correct word octopii ?"

S : "Ewwwwwww, yuk !!!"

Me : "Hrmmm ?!?!?"

S : "Octopus pie ... gross !!!"

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not so different after all ...

Our exchange student has been with us for just over a week now, and I am amazed at how rapidly his English is improving.

Beneath a rather stern initial impression, there is actually rather a wicked sense of humour and a great sense of fun.

He turned 16 yesterday. We went ten pin bowling, and then out to dinner at a Japanese restaurant.

I think he had fun ...