Did I mention ...
... the MOTH is coming home tomorrow ?!?!?!?
YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're not coping so well with the MOTH's absence ...
Left home early this morning and called in to the courier depot to pick up my car keys ...
... I really really really hate those auto comment bot type things !!!
Five sleeps until the MOTH comes home (or maybe six, depending on how the job goes) !!!!
The MOTH is now in Greymouth (for those of you unfamiliar with New Zealand geography*, that's about an eight and a half hour drive from here on the other side of the big range of mountains down the middle of the South Island) ...
We passed the property manager's "inspection" ... although to be perfectly honest she is so freaking vague I don't think she would have noticed had we removed all the shelves in the kitchen and used them for firewood.
There was an intriguing looking box addressed to the MOTH on the back step after work ...
Reasons I should have stayed in bed this morning ...
It snowed again last night.
This is a hard post to write. I've done a bit of internal debating with myself as to whether to post or not. But this is a journal, online or not, and life isn't always rosy. And if anyone feels like commenting or providing advice, it will be very gratefully received ...
K was in his bedroom this morning practicing his haka for "when I'm an All Black". The boy has big dreams ... good on him !!! Not only will he make it big as an All Black, due to the obscenely long eyelashes he inherited from his father, there will no doubt be lucrative product endorsements for a string of Maybelline mascaras.
K .. running into the kitchen after reading his encylopaedia in his room ...
S : I'm dressed !!
I've purposely refrained from posting about Katrina, mainly because I couldn't think of anything useful to add to the commentary already out there.
As I am fighting a losing battle in the quietness war, I have decided (at least for the moment) to join in whole-heartedly ...
Well it's Sunday evening, and I have no idea where my weekend went ... it's not like I even did anything !!!
S sings all the time ... K just likes noise for the sake of it. He'll hum ... he'll make monster noises ... he'll "sing" (the poor boy is tone deaf) ... he'll whistle ... and if all that fails he'll stomp or skip or clap his hands and tap his feet. I'm damned sure that it would be physically impossible for him to sit still and stay quiet if his life depended on it.
K had rugby prize giving this morning at 10.00am. “Rocks in the Head” award goes to the bright spark who thought that this was a good idea ... 10.00am on a Sunday is bad enough, but 10.00am on Father’s Day ... where exactly does the parental lie-in feature in that plan ?!?!?
However, unlike last year’s fiasco at his club up north, which was essentially a festival of self-congratulation for the coaches and the club, whereby they reminded us all how wonderful they were and appeared to have forgotten that the point of prize giving was actually the kids (remember them ?!?) ... this morning’s was short, sweet, and to the point ...
- Thank sponsors
- Introduce famous rugby player
- Give out prizes
- Adjourn outside for lolly scramble and sausage sizzle
- Go home
As we now had the whole afternoon free, we drove along the peninsula to the royal albatross colony. Last time we were there was when K was five months old, so he was somewhat less than appreciative. This time around he asked so many questions I felt sorry for our poor guide.
We took the extended tour, with the chance to go down into the tunnels dug into the headland and see the “disappearing gun”, installed when it was feared we were going to be over-run by either the Russians or the Japanese (neither of whom, surprisingly, were remotely interested in a small boring chain of islands in the deep south).
The rugrats were allowed to climb up and down the ladders and turn the big wheels to point it in right direction. Part of the underground cavern has been turned into a display area, with piped in 1940s music and nostalgic paraphenalia.
I was particularly intrigued with the following regulations in the Enlisted Soldier’s Manual of Acceptable Behaviour ...
Item 4 - Be most particular in regard to the cleanliness of your person, clothing, equipment and manner.
Item 8 - Keep yourself fit, avoid excess of stimulants, and above all remember the very serious dangers of illicit sexual intercourse, against which you are specially warned in the interests of your future health and happiness.
Now where’s the fun in that ?
We were awoken by a tentative knock on the bedroom door at around 8.00am this morning. K shuffled into the room with a look of intense concentration on his face ... and breakfast in bed "made all by myself" for both the MOTH and I (his reasoning being that if it wasn't for me, the MOTH wouldn't be a Daddy, so I deserve breakfast in bed too) ...
S has a new toothbrush ... one of those fancy ones with the tongue-cleaner-scrubby-thingy on the back of it.
As the rugrats will tell anyone who looks even remotely interested (and quite a few people who aren't) ... the MOTH was 31 today !!!