Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Not quite what I was aiming for ...

I was feeling in need of both a little self indulgence and a strong desire to get away from work during lunch today. So I went shopping ... and bought perfume for the first time in I can't remember when.

Not having the budget at present to wear my usual (Giorgio), I spent a great deal of time carefully sniffing, spraying and rejecting until I finally decided on one in a cute pale blue bottle that I thought suited me just perfectly.

And then I got home. And at home there were children ...

S : "You smell nice mum ... you smell just like Gran !!!"

Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's all about how you ask ...

A few months ago, we struck a small problem with S not eating her school lunches. This came to light as a result of a "mummy clean out" of the bottom of her wardrobe, where afore-mentioned un-eaten school lunches were un-earthed.

Since then, I have asked, at reasonably regular intervals (ie. whenever I remember) "Not hiding food in the bottom of your wardrobe again are we ?". The answer is always no.

Tonight, after dinner, I asked again ... and again, the answer was no. However, the MOTH noticed something I didn't ... a slight hesitation before answering.

So in the bottom of S's school bag tonight we found ...
- 7 old bananas
(some rather rotten)
- 5 bruised apples
- 3 days homework
- 2 meusli bars
- 1 mandarin
- and a flask full of soup from last week.*

Apparently I should have been asking "Are you hiding your school lunch ANYWHERE at all ?!?!?!?!?"

* With a little poetic licence, you can almost sing that to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's a challenge ...

As if we didn't have enough going on in our lives at the moment, for the next three and half weeks we will be hosting a 15yo student from Japan.

He's been with us for 24 hours, and so far I have yet to see him smile. The MOTH is currently out at the coffee van showing him how to make a cappucino via sign language.

K is in his element ... an audience where he can talk non stop and there are no interruptions. S is intrigued, a little scared, and treating him like a different species.

I thank heaven for whoever had the foresight to supply us with a small neatly typed list of Japanese - English phrases ... so far we are communicating via the "point and smile" method. His dictionary is also getting a fair work-out.

I'm kinda worried that I'm feeding him (a) not enough or (b) too much or (c) anything he can't stand the taste of and that (d) he may be forcing it down to be polite.

We have friends, one of whom spent several years working in Japan as an English teacher. So the MOTH has brilliantly suggested that we can ring them tonight and they can check everything is OK for us and whether there is anything he wants / needs.

He's very shy.

And he has a birthday while he is with us ... I don't think much of the MOTH's suggestion that we buy him a keg and get him drunk !!!!! But what does one buy a 16yo boy ? Any suggestions ?

Monday, July 16, 2007

It is sooooo not fair ...

So we've just got home from circus class.

Ten minutes into the lesson K is throwing two balls into the air with gay abandon, S is sulking because she can't manage to catch one properly and I'm feeling very smug cos I've moved onto three (even though I'm having problems catching the third one).

Thirty seconds after the MOTH walks in he's juggling three. By the end of the lesson he's moved on to different variations (up and over, juggling with one hand, columns ...) and they've brought out the clubs.

Next week they're bringing a unicycle ...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I know I'm a big baby ...

The last episode ever of the Gilmour Girls (and I missed half of it).

I feel strangely flat.

Lost for words ...

We've just been to an international pot-luck dinner.

And I just have one thing to say.

Nanaimo bars ... OMG !!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Explanations due ...

I know I've disappeared in the past, but honestly it wasn't my fault this time !!!

So just for your information, and to show I have been thinking of you while I've been a victim of circumstances beyond my control, below are the posts I have been writing knowing I would get back to my blog one day ...

Friday, July 06, 2007

I give up !!!

It's been raining a bit here lately, so laundry has been ... well, I guess I've let it slide a bit.

I didn't realise just quite how much I had let it slide until I counted the 42 pairs of socks hanging on the washing line in the garage.

I'm buying a clothes dryer ...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Feeling conflicted ...

My grandmother died on Friday ... and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Somewhere around about the time I turned 14 my grandparents lost interest in me. My mother rang my grandmother to remind her that her first grandchild was turning 21 - two months later I received a card and the ugliest necklace I have ever seen. I spent many years trying to work out where I went wrong. Then the MOTH came along and I realised it simply didn't matter any more.

My grandad died in January 2001, four months after he met S for the first and last time. In spite of three children, four grand-children and two great-grand-children, my grandmother moved into a purpose-built cottage on my parents farm and then spent the next six and a half years trying to die.

My father rang to tell me she'd died. For a man who'd just lost his mother, he was remarkably calm. But then I realised he'd actually lost his mother a long time ago. I don't know exactly how she died, and it's taken me until today to realise that, and also that I'm not sure why or even if it matters.

There was no funeral. So no reason for me to fly south. Yet I still spent several hours yesterday trying to justify not going.

Anorexia and bulimia are horrifying things. When my grandma was admitted to hospital the first time, she weighed less than 35kg. When she was allowed home she continued to purge, hide food and flush the protein shakes she was supposed to be living on. The next time she went into hospital they fed her through a tube.

The bowel cancer that contributed to her death was fully contained and would have been operable had she not weighed so little she was unable to walk. She was so emaciated that the padding on the bottoms of her feet had been eaten up !!!

I guess maybe I do have some feeling about this after all. I'm pretty sure it's called anger.

Monday, July 02, 2007

... pants on fire !!!

When the guy in the computer store sells you a wireless router and tells you it's simply a matter of "plugging it in, popping in the CD and following the instructions" ... he's lying !!!

But at least you still have internet access on the desktop computer ...

So then you hire a computer boffin at vast expense to come in and "fix" your internet woes and then he leaves ... and then you have absolutely no internet connection at all ...

And your laptop can't "find" the printer either ...

We are not amused.