Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bah, humbug !!!

Easy-peasy, super-expensive, airbrush technology spray-on, won't-leave-streaks, won't turn-orange fake tan huh ?

Yeah right.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Baby steps ...

I managed to do my bra up all by myself this morning ... behind my back !!!!

And Jake has moved on from catching wetas to disembowelling small birds under my bed.

We're all making such progress !!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's taken a while ...

... but finally S has found something she both enjoys and excels at !!!

I must admit, I had more than a few doubts when she came home from school and told me she was going to play netball. I mean, she's not exactly known for her co-ordination (she's the only person I have ever met who can fall up stairs !!!)

But she played her first game a couple of weeks ago. And she's a natural Goal Attack !!!

They haven't lost a game so far. And so, may I introduce to you, Player of the Day and all round super shooter ... my baby girl !!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Dear Jake ...

Remember last week when I laughed at you 'cos you caught a cricket ?

And I told you how cute it was that you weren't grown up enough to catch "real" prey yet ?

And then when you came home with cricket number three, and I said "enough with the crickets already, why can't you catch something bigger and more pest-like" ?

I didn't mean wetas !!!

Can we go back to crickets please ?

Thank you.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

And in 21 days ...

... I will be sitting on a beach in Rarotonga with 18 people I love and slurping a Pina Colada.

Since my successful WW experience I've stopped worrying about my body shape and what it will look like in a bikini.

However, I have decided that the glare from my legs and torso will probably be sufficient to blind the entire Cook Island nation upon arrival (damn my Celtic ancestry !!!)

I am sooooooo booking a spray tan the day before we leave !!!

Anyone remember me ?

You know you haven't posted in far too long when your husband (not known for his excessive web surfing) tells you that you need to update your blog !!!

So where were we ?

The MOTH is still working out of town. He arrives home around dinner time on a Friday, spends the weekend doing all the handyman chores I've saved up for him during the week, and flees exhaustedly back south again on a Sunday evening.

He was in the kitchen last weekend randomly opening cupboards looking for the salt. When he finally located it he commented "It's like I don't live here", to which I replied "Honey, you don't. You just visit on weekends". It is strange not having him home properly. In fact, I think it's more weird than it was when we didn't see him at all for those few months when he was still in Dunedin.

BMX is nearly finished for the season, and not before time. I am totally over ferrying children to and from the track, loading bikes into and onto cars, packing picnic meals, sitting in the cold wrapped in blankets, drinking lousy coffee and dodging mosquitos. S is back racing again though, which is great.

I've been in my new job for three weeks now. I'm still daunted by the sheer enormity of the knowledge my predecessor walked out with (she retired after 24 years in the same job !!!), but am really enjoying the challenge of wiping the slate clean and starting afresh.

The bank are still creating problems with regards to financing our new business. After having been informed our loan was approved over a month ago, last week when we approached them to actually draw down the funds they advised they have changed their minds, which is not what we needed to hear three weeks before the MOTH was due to finish his contract and come home.

Much stress and many phone calls later we have financial advisors, accountants and lawyers all working towards ensuring we are still able to start on time in mid June. If it doesn't work out then we'll find something else and I guess it just wasn't meant to be (but the MOTH has promised that he'll be home in time for my birthday in October !!!)

Oh yeah, and I still haven't got a puppy ...