At my wits end ...
Life has not been all roses and fairy lights in the King-dom lately. We asked for an appointment with K's teacher and principal on Monday after he came home last week and cheerfully advised us that his class had had ten relieving teachers so far this year ...
In light of the problems he's been having fitting in, and the fact he's still seeing a counsellor regarding his issues from last year, we didn't think this was ideal and wanted to (finally) hear from the school just how he was going ... I mean, here we are halfway through the second term and I can't find anyone to talk to who actually knows who K is as there's a different teacher in his class every time I go in !!! I blithely assumed that as we hadn't heard from the school, no news was good news ...
K has had eight lunchtime detentions so far this term. His "low level annoying behaviour" is chronic. Nothing anyone says seems to sink in. His after school programme has put him on his final warning. We had a big talk with him Monday night, then again last night about how life is about choices and how it is up to him how he chooses to react to situations. He nodded, agreed, said he'd try harder. Today at school he was sent to the principal's office for threatening to hit a classmate with a chair ...
What do we do ? What are we doing wrong ? Where the hell do we go for help now when the shrink / counsellor guy tells us that he has no "real" problems (ie. he doesn't have ADHD or ADD or anything like that) and school tell us that his behaviour issues are something we "need to keep on top of or they could become serious" ... I'm sorry, but an eight year old boy who simply refuses to do what he is told is serious as far as I'm concerned ....
So that's it ... I'm at my wits end, I have no clue ...