My folks came and visited today. Those of you who know me well will know that, for various reasons, my folks and I have had a rather tumultuous relationship in recent years. It's still a little tentative, but I have decided to make the most of our time down here in Dunedin and really try to forge a proper relationship with them again.
K rang them earlier in the week, asked them if they would like to come and watch his rugby game and invited them for lunch (his phone manners are really improving). I suggested they be here around 9.30 because it takes me until at least that hour to organise myself on a weekend.
They arrived at 9.05, which is 9.30 in Dad-time. So much for showing off the house in all its pristine, domestic-goddess cleanliness and splendour. At least I had the dishwasher loaded and S had remembered to pick up her clothes off the bathroom floor (grin).
So they came and watched K play rugby (they lost again : 11 - 10) and came back for lunch. And it was really ...
nice is such an inadequate word, but it was. Although truth be told my father and my husband have very little in common so that's a little awkward at times. However, my father steadfastly refuses to move into the technological age and has yet to experience the wonders of the internet, but if you plonk him in front of the computer and show him how to use a search engine, he has a blast !!
My mother and I spent a couple of hours filling in family history in the book I bought last year. She's the last one left on her side ... and I want to be able to tell the rugrats about what things were like when they're older and want to know. It's why I scrapbook. And also why I blog I guess ...
PS : I found the recipe for bread and made it for lunch ... and it worked !!!