Friday, November 23, 2007

It was really serious, honestly !!!

So I reluctantly finished my shower this morning (as you do), and meandered off to the bedroom to find some clothes.

Upon my return to the bathroom to "put on my face" a noise started. Something like a cross between a wood-chipper and a chainsaw. As the neighbours have been "landscaping" recently (ie. they have now removed all their trees and we can now look straight out of our kitchen window into their lounge) I thought nothing of it, beyond thinking they were off to an early start. Until I went to close the window as I left for work ...

And realised the horrible rattling crunching noise was coming from inside my shower !!! I put my hand on the wall ... the whole wall was shaking !!!

"OMG ... my shower is going to blow up !!!"

Quick phone call to the MOTH ... (holding phone up by the wall in the shower) ... "can you HEAR that ?!?!?"

Seriously convinced my shower is going to blow up by now, slightly panicked, and worried about coming home to a house a foot deep in water, I tried to pay attention as the MOTH directed me to the mains water tap outside under a tree ("you want me to crawl around under a tree dressed like THIS ?!?!?! Are you INSANE ?!?!?")

And then, blissfully, the noise stopped. S walked out of the bathroom ...

"Mummy, I fixed it !!!"

In her hand, my razor ... the kind that hummmmms and vibrates and ensures a nice close shave, no ingrown hairs, all that sort of thing. It had switched itself on and jammed down the back of the shampoo bottles ...

Would you believe I couldn't get the women at work to stop laughing while I was telling them why I was late this morning ? It's serious I tell you, serious ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hands up ...

... everyone who totally isn't old enough for K to be allowed to be ten years old already !!!!!

Happy birthday baby !!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

And the moral of the story is ...

... the "E" light on the fuel gauge of my new car does not mean "you have enough petrol left to drive to work a couple of times and fill up next time you remember to drive past a gas station".

What it actually means is "you have enough petrol to drive to a gas station RIGHT NOW or else you are going to end up sitting in the car park at work two days after the light first came on ringing your husband and asking him to come and rescue you".

Or something like that.