K's 4th birthday ...
When the rugrats were younger, I had many many attempts at keeping a notebook where I would list all their interesting, humorous comments and details on their growth and development. Just before we left Whangarei and moved down here I found what I think was about number 12 in the series, which covered the period February to December 2001 and contained the sum total of about eight entries ....
As K is fast heading for nine, looking forward to the holiday programme next week because the girl he likes is going to be there, wants to know how you tell a girl you like her and is becoming increasingly, frighteningly self sufficient, I read the following the other day and thought I'd share ...
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"My baby is four !!! He opened all his own presents at breakfast - loved the train set, loved his Thomas T-shirt. When he opened his Pooh Bear socks he said (with appropriate level of disgust) "Stink !! Socks aren't a real present !!"
The MOTH was very good and even let K play with his train set. I did, however, have to stop him taking it to work and setting it up on the board-room table "... just to check that it works OK" !!
On the way home this afternoon K asked me "It's my birf-day. Why didn't Grandad come and watch me run at athletics ?" I told him it was because he had to work. "Well then, Nana should just have come-d without him then !" The he folded his arms, stuck out his lower lip and informed me that "I am very disappointed and very very not impressed with him" !!
They were waiting for us when we arrived home."